Tuesday, July 29
hiaz.. didnt i say i dun wan to pon sch le.. but juz couldnt stop myslef frm doing tt..soooo i dint go sch again.. hiaz.. i wake up le lox.. but didnt feel lyk going so went to slp again.. hiaz.. so neva go sch.. was suppose to have eng ca today.. but didnt take..so mag my laopo n meet her aft the eng ca.. she acc me to eat than we go walk walk.. to find shoe tt can go along wif my sun dress.. which wearing on my sis solemnization at the beach..haha.. n u noe wad is on 8 of aug.. so went to shop for shoe.. find it bt didnt buy coz nit eniuhg cahs.. will b buying it nxt wk..so we shop till 7plus than we went hm le..i took bus to my grandma hus for dinner.. eat le dinner than went hm le..y is it tt i still care for u when we ar lyk stranger nw. wad shd i do.. can anyone tell me.. sigh.. end of my day..
Monday, July 28
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adYbFQFXG0Ugo watch tis video is so touching..
today was late for sch agagin.. hiaz.. wake at 7plus lox..
than wait for the stupid bus tt took sooolong to cum.. which cause me to b late lox.. arggg..
than report to sch.. hiaz.. went to class n have my lesson..
1st lesson was eng.. didnt do much but copy those past yrs ques of compo.. than listen until half way.. fall aslp.. haha.. kanna wake up by a dicpline teacher tt walk pass the class.. than the bell rang n is ss time.. a lesson where i can slack.. haha..
same thing copy past yrs ques lox.. muz understand.. same teacher.. same method.. haha
so copy lox.. than aft copying was talking time.. haha..
than recess than two period of maths.. go ava rm... was freezing cold lah.. coz the air con was lyk 16deg.. walao.. dunno which idiot wanna to killl us in ava lox.. haha
than got ec.. maths again.. plan to go report for dentenion at3.. but than the stupid teacher dun wan to mark my attendants lox.. wanna me go for my ec end le than can report for dentenion lox.. my ec end at 345 llox.. at first i tot stay back for 1hr onli lox.. than report le than noe is two hr lox.. walao.. nxt time mon late le i dun wan to go sch le lox.. two hr leh..
i have to sitdown there lyk a idiot for 2HR.. hiaz.. bo bian.. than sit lox.. at tere pretening i doing work lox.. haha than my aunt call n say wanna meet me a outram.. so meet her there aft my punishment lox.. thank god tt e teacher was king enough to let us go early.. so left lyk at530.. was suppose to stay till 545.. haha..
so go meet my aunt at outram.. than went to eat dinner.. nwent to jalan jalan for awhile.. haha..
back hm at 7plus.. watch my dvd.. enloy my time.. slacking at hm..
do i reli love u.. or have i fallen for him.. reli pondering n wondering..
shd i stilll care or juz simply do wad i hate.. ingore..
took for granted, all the times That I thought we'd last somehow I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I cant get near you now cant you see it baby You got me going crazy ~right here waiting for you~
that all for today
Friday, July 25
today wake up at 6 plus. as usual prepare go to sch.. haha.. took cabbie again.. hiax.. I AM BROKE!!!than rec sch relize was still 'early'.. than sch started nth much happen lox..than went to tiong wif laopo n fing her mum.. eat our lunch n went hm aft.. meeet alissa at vivo330.. but the bus she gonna take took yrs to cum lox.. so i waited for her to rec.. aft getting her gap kids dress.. we left for cgm.. we ar late le lox..so went to take train to paris ris n bus to lebrone hus.. when we rec there deva is ald preaching le lox.. hiaz..i stay for nite cgm but alissa neva.. she left 1st.. than leaving me there.. haha.. coz i dun wan to go hm so early lox..nw juz rec hm frm cgm.. haha.. was great sermon lox.. that all for today!
Wednesday, July 23
wake up at 6plus today.. went to prepare for sch.. as usual.. but when i was leaving the hus started to rain lox.. hiaz.. didnt want to take brolly.. too lazy le ntroblesome.. so juz take jacket n left the hus.. dont have a choice but to take cab.. so took a cab to sch.. when i rec the sch gate cant turn in coz got too many cars inside le.. so have to go by the back gate.. when waiting to go into the back gate.. the cars ar lyk sooooo long queue lah. n my cab fare keep jumping oso lox.. hiaz.. reli broke le lox.. than i onli left lyk 5 plus for the rest for the day.. aarggggg.. sowent into but late le.. gd thing is tt when raining u late u wont b punish.. haha.. so went into the hall.. was suppose to read but my reading article in class.. so talk to my laopo.. n kanna scold by my teacher.. bo bian but to lend a book frm fren.. act tt i have smt to read.. haha.. but we ar still talking..lesson started..
oh ya.. today teo dai zi wif a gal.. damn idiot lox.. walao.. of the teacher neva walk cum i think we have started a fight le.. so damn angry lah.. the teacher ask us to ingore her.. aft our olvl than we go find her.. arggggg...
haha.. anw didnt let tis matter spolit my mood.. aft we talk to the teacher we went for our ec..
than aft ec.. went shopping wif my laopo.. haha.. our dating..i was damn tired lah.. falling alsp when i was on the bus lox.. so rec hm change n slp.. haha
wake up at 7plus.. than went to grandma hus n have dinner..
everything as usual..
how i wishi have the courage to tell u wad is happening in my life. i wish n hope for the turn back.. but tis is miracle zhong de miracle..
should i give up or carry on loving u in a way where u will neva noe?
that all for today
Tuesday, July 22
today didnt go sch.. was sick.. so rest st hm.. wake up at 12plus.. coz my laopo msg me.. haha.. see we ar soo loving.. haha.. so on tv n watch.. slack at hm lox.. slacking.. n soon it was 3plus le.. ask my mum to get things back for me to eat.. haven eat since i wake up.. haha..
eat le went n slp for awhile n went to grandma hus for dinner... aft dinner went hm at lyk9..
nw watching the 9pm show on channel8.. haha..
nth much happen today.. slacking at hm..
so that all for today..
Monday, July 21
wake up at 7plus today.. haha.. than went to preprare for sch.. hiaz.. was late for sch.. coz neva iron my schu last nite so have to iron b4 i go sch.. ended up late for sch.. wanna to take cabbie but there was none in sight lox.. so took bus to sch.. haha.. didnt go in stright away but than waited for them to go back to class than go in sch.. wanna to escape frm staying back.. coz if u ar lates for sch u gonna to stay back.. so waited outside sch.. haha.. than saw my laopo de laogong she not go sch.. haha.. than my lesbo called me saying they ar in class le.. so went in to sch.. haha.. tot i couldnt esc frm staying back coz principal n the teaccher was there.. i quickly ran up the stair than to my class.. wah.. mission complete.. so didnt have to stay back.. than went into class.. talking n doing compre.. two hr of eng.. than pe time.. play vollyball.. n nw my hand got one bkue back n one on my knee too.. coz wanna to catch the ball hit the floor n save the ball n got myslef injure.. hiaz.. aft pe finally can eat le..was super hungry lox.. czn u imagine tt ur recess is at 1115.. we was lyk so hungry lah.. haha.. today sch celebrate racial harmony day... so my last perido was the cekebraion.. is damn boring lox.. seat there n hear them talk abt things tt we have ald know.. so as usual. we starting talking.. than finally is over.. but for grad we have ec.. so stay til 445 again.. was raining.. but didnt care juz walk to the bus stop.. got myself drench.. i was so cold on the bus lah.. i have to walk hm so walk in the rain again.. rec hm drench.. so nw suffering frm all those drenching.. having fever headach n running nose.. hiaz.. i am sick.. think not going to sch tml.. by the look of my condition nw.. haha.. anyone wanna acc me to see doc tml.. hiaz..
shen bu de wo wei shen meh yao fang qi.. cant let go n y did i wanna to end the relationship.. a mistake tt i cant neva forgive myslef.. that all for today!
Sunday, July 20
we ar juz friends.. there is nth going on between us brother n sister the most..
well.. is sunday.. a day when i can slp until late late.. but i cant today.. been woke up by mum to go over to my grandma hus.. pls lah i slept at 2plus yest.. woke me up at lyk 10plus.. is so early lah.. haha.. as usual i went back to slp in the end wake up at lyk 12..haha.. so went to prepare n went over to my grandma hus.. was suppose to meet alissa at 145.. but couldnt make it..coz i have to stay for awhile at my grandma hus.. so we meet at 245 instead.. my cuz was there so talk awhile n i left my grandma hus to meet alissa..
so we met n went to town.. as expected.. kevin aka banana.. was late.. so went to shop at far east.. is been yrs since i last go there.. than went over to taka.. n meet kevin there..
erm.. planning to watch movie at cine but tickets ar lyk selling fast or sold out.. so we headed to ps n watch.. we was seating at the 1st row.. we tot tt our neck is so gonna break aft the movie.. haha.. but was not reli tt bad lah.. haha.. omg..
dark knight is a nice movie lox..
"not a bad guy but a guardian angel. he is the dark knight."
yup.. the moive two hr plus lox.. oh ya met wyelin at the mrt station b4 we went to ps.. haha
so aft movie we go meet her at lvl.. she cum frm wisma to find us.. we acc her to orchard again.. coz she wanna to get things frm topshop.. n alissa have the card so she borrow frm her.. yup.. she went to buy her things.. me alissa kevin n bernard , we went over to shaw mac to wait for her..
aft eating headed hm.. me n alissa take bus hm.. so we went diff way at orchard mrt..
when we was wlking to e us stop is started to rain lyk so omg can..
haha.. so finally at hm.. home sweet home..
kbye(sry kevin dun mean to copy frm u)
Saturday, July 19
wake at 11 today.. was suppose to wake up at 10 but too tired le so wake up at 11.. went for tution.. n was late coz wake up late.. aft tution went down to expo.. for svc.. meet alissa n clara at foryer3. than went in tgt.. svc was good.. pst tan was the preacher.. went to tm n eat wif cg.. aft which they went to acrad to play for awhile.... than we went hm le..
writing in tears.. feeling tt u u doesnt noe.. wad the hell am i doing n thinking.. how i wish i counld juz end here.. will end here today.. e.i.p
Thursday, July 17
wake up at 6plus today.. but was almost late for sch.. so have to take a cab to.. i am lyk sooo borke le lox.. wth.. thn still take cab to sch.. shd have pack my bag the day b4 lox.. lesson learnt.. hiaz.. yupp.. so rec sch lyk 730.. than juz in time for sch.. haha.. thank god tt i am not late for sch lox.. if not have to stay back in sch.. not lyk sm1 lox.. can climb into the sch lox.. haha.. was so tired lox.. fall alsp during class.. but tt was becoz i didnt take the subject..so slp lox.. haha..ft sch have ec(extend circulm)..haha all grad classes have lox.. so today was phy.. had fun lox.. coz teacher was a veri fun wan.. play n joke in class.. of coz we did our worh in the midst of plying n joking.. tt is time to be serious n time for playing.. haha.. so ended at 4.. than went hm aft tt lox.. my day is occupied by my sch lox.. hiaz.. watch tv at hm than went over to grandma hus for dinner.. as for usual lox.. haha..
was told tt u having a concert so wish u all the best ..
i am not suppose to ask n noe abt u.. but i juz couldnt stop myslef.. can anyone help me wif it.. take me out of tis misery tt ia m in..
heart bleeding n i am juz going crazy..
nw is photo time.. photo tt we took during the bball match..

Wednesday, July 16
didnt go sch today.. too lazy to wake up le.. so continue to slp until 12plus than wake.. hiaz.. kanna scold by my mum coz have not been going to sch on wed for the past three week.. hiaz..
will have to stop ponning sch le.. lyk wad alot of ppl say olv cuming le.. have to study n prepare for it.. wanna to go tp sia.. my goal.. so have to jiayou n study hard le.. no more playing le..
so didnt go sch have to rot at hm.. watching tv n having runnig nose aft i wake up lox.. arggggg.
so irritating lox.. starving oso lox.. coz didnt eat lunch n dinner yest.. haha.. can b shen xian le lox..
today whole day slacking at hm..
went to grandma hus n eat my dinner
play cards wif my cuz.. daide..
cuz cum onli once a wk.. haha..
went hm at abt 9plus lox..
wah the9pm show de guy got a lot of patience n determiantion lox.. wannna to woo the gal rejected oso didnt give up.. haha
tt monent i tot of you but will u ever noe abt it.. i doubt so bahx.. life have to bre carry on..shall stop here today.. bye.. take care everyone..
i love you i miss you you ar the wan tt will make my day..
Tuesday, July 15
today was a gooood day as sch end at 1245 today.. wooohoo..
haha.. woke up at 6 plus today.. didnt wanted to wake wan lox.. but still pull myslef out of my bed.. hiaz.. prepare everything than went to sch le..
enjoying my music while walking up the tiring hill.. haha..
my sch is on a hill.. is call york hill.. haha..
rec sch saw my laopo there than we started talking rubbish once again..
slack for the whole reading period.. talking n talking..
than had to go for class le.. first two lesson was art.. a time where i can enjoy my music again..
so drawing n listening to my music..
time fly..aft art recesss.. n two hr ltr i out of my sch.. went hm aft sch..
meeting desmond at tm 430.. but i am still at hm lyk 340.. so smsing saying tt i will b late.. haha..
but in the end we took the same train n rec at the same time.. haha
went to acc him n eat aft tt went to catch a movie..
watch hellboy2.. not a bad show.. haha..
went to acard to accompilish his mission.. to play basketball thingy..
aft tt went hm le.. to some idiot(kkm): we ar juz fren n nth more le..
that all for today
Monday, July 14
wake up at 730 today.. sch start late every monday so can have a longer slp today.. haha
was damn angry lox.. couldnt go into the sch if didnt put on sch tie.. waste our time n i was going to be late le lox..
put on tie n went to hall.. couldnt see my class ppl than onli me my lesbo n laopo de another laogong.. haha complicated.. we cant find our class we keep looking for the ppl lox..
than remember that we ar suppose to go mbox today.. for chinese listening compre briefing...
yeah!tml end sch at 1245.. dun need to stay for listening coz took olvl chinese last yr le..
haha.. nth much happen in sch today lox.. was sms-ing desmond the whole day in sch.. ended school at 345.. went window for awhile than go hm le..
thank you so much today.. appreacited.. thx lotz..
Sunday, July 13
woke at 11plus today.. ready for the aft basketball.. haha.. it is the first ever cg sport event..
meet harbour front at 2.. but was late so rec there lyk going to 230.. sry guys.. saw desmond,aaron(des cuz),derrick n jiacheng.. me n alissa still not the lastest.. haha
so waited for the ppl to come at the station.. call kkm n ask his location than he say tt he(not kkm) is cuming oso.. i was lyk shock.. isnt he suppose to have church today.. didnt even noe he will b going lox.. aft hearing tt i totally sank into emo mood.. hiaz..
why he appear when i wan to froget abt him
hiaz.. aft meeting everyone le than we went over to breakthough mission home
the placee where we ar play the match..
was a exicted match..
we lost to them but nvm we still did our best..
you boys rocks man!!!
aft went to have our dinner at vivo..
than headed home..
i noe u was looking at me but i didnt wan to turn n look at u coz i noe i cant control my tears. the train left so did u.. bb..
hiaz.. y cant i juz be more stronger.. wad a si bai zhe i am..
y am i crying lyk hell nw...???
enjoy some of the pic i took today

that all for today..
Saturday, July 12
here is my first post...
went for 12 disciple tis morning but cant stay thur out the whole course.. gotta leave coz having tution.. left aft the the first worship song..
hiaz.. was late for my tution anw my tution teacher oso late..
have alot of fn playing wif my tution teacher even thou i was suppose to do my work there.. hah
simply juz enjoy having tution wif her..
was suppose to get the ballon fro alvin as we was going to celebrate his grad.. meet jon at white sand than went to buy the ballons.. smt not gd happen... tt is the shop tt we wanted to get the ballons frm is closed.. so we was lyk how.. wad to do.. than decided to go b1 have a look.. thank god tt there was one shop at b1 tt sell ballons.. so brought it n rush for svc..
was a great svc felt the love of god.. cried.. aft svc went to fellowship.. play zhong ji mi mah at botak jonas.. had alot of fun lox.. oh plus exticed for tml basketball match.
had a fun n enjoyable day..
pic of the ballons