Wednesday, August 27
sian arhhhhhh...
my exam ar cuming.. and my art is not compelet yet..
i need help... anyone wannna to offer help.. hiaz..
i need to hand it up on mon.. n i haven started on my final yet..
i think i need to scarfice my slp my going out.. to compelet it.. gonna to choing lyk mad le..
and and and... my orelim art is on nxt nxt thurs..
how am i suppose to study for my other subject..
i think i am gonna die frm doing my art...
anybody wanna to join me in my sufferring..
i think i am going mad soon..
reli sooooooon..
Saturday, August 23
i am so confu nw...
to love.. to give up..
or is juz my wishful thinking..
mayb his heart ald belong to other..
wad u thinking maggie..
time to wake up frm all tis..
power for focus..
prelims... O LEVEL...
they all cuming up..
dun think abt other stuff le..
Wednesday, August 20
haven post for the past few days.. haiz..didnt wad to post oso.. life in a mess..
n nw iam sick again.. y am i so weak recently.. keep fallin sick..
or nw is falling sick season.. haha..
erm.. didnt go to sch today.. coz as i said i am sick.. hiaz..
rot at hm lox..
nw enjoying music frm secondhand serenade..
a nice album..
erm.. shall stop here bahx..
go continue my rotting.. haha..
bb.. take care everyone..
Sunday, August 17
说 说你为什么 为什么要走 说你为何要分手 别拖 求你别软弱 求你说出口 分手的理由 但你却拖 拖 拖 拖到什么时候 如果要走却又为何停留 请你别拖 拖 拖 大声的说出口 请你要痛就痛给我个快活 如果说你要走 我不会留 我不去管以后 然后我们说清楚 一句话就够 如果说你要走 我不会留 我不去管以后 多么痛 多么的难过 别越爱越难过 说 说你为什么 为什么要走 说你为何要分手 别拖 求你别软弱 求你说出口 分手的理由 但你还拖 拖 拖 拖到什么时候 如果要走却又为何停留 请你别拖 拖 拖 大声的说出口 请你要痛就痛给我个快活 如果说你要走 我不会留 我不去管以后 然后我们说清楚 一句话就够 如果说你要走 我不会留 我不去管以后 多么痛 多么的难过 越爱越难过 然后连话都不说 继续沉默 连朋友都没得作 为了什么 然后跟别人说你其实还是爱我 就算了吧 坏人我来做 如果说你要走 我不会留 我不去管以后 然后我们说清楚 一句话就够 如果说你要走 我不会留 我不去管以后 多么痛 多么的难过 越爱越难过
this soong is juz singing out how u feel bahx..
not fren anymore..
that is the end of us...
dun think there will be a 'or' anymore
all the best to u
Thursday, August 14
haha.. can u imagine i slp frm 6pm to nxt moring 10plus.. wah.. i slp so long sia.. was reli tired lox.. was suppose to go tution for tml de.. but coz i overslpt so didnt go..
hiaz.. so tml gotta go for it.. so today didnt go sch again.. as i said i slp till 10plus.. hiaz.. so muz be reli tired or i am lazy..
soo aft i wake up watch tv n ltr buy my breanch.. haha..
so today i juz simply rot at hm.. didint do much.
nth much to say oso..
time for me to get back to e rite track..
my life is in a mess nw..
bye ppl..
Tuesday, August 12
wake up at ard6plus.. at first didnt wan to go sch.. but i pull myslef out of my bed.. than prepare le jiu go sch le.. tot i will be late for sch. but to my surprise i was not late.. i went in the hall juz in time.. thank god man..
than everything as usual..
have art today.. so teacher tell me wad to do n ask me to complete my finalise work.. than can start on my final le
so got to work hard n start drawing.. if not i will be way behind time le..
jiayou maggie..
erm..than nth much happen le..
aft ec went to OG to buy chocolate.. coz wanna to eat.. so went there n buy.. than go walk walk for awhile.. than went hm le..
i couldnt tanhan le.. was damn tired slpt on the bus hm.. n went to slp when i rec hm..
wake up at 8.. bath than go grandmahus n have dinner..
aft dinner i am back hm.. rotting..
will i have the courge to let u go.. or do juz keep suffering inend of my story..
Monday, August 11
hiaz.. today was a day tt i slp for veri long.. i slpt till3 than wake up.. juz didnt wan to wake up but got no choice coz my cuz cumng my hus.. so gotta wake up.. if not i think i will slp till 5plus6.. hiaz.. didnt have the strength to do anything.. feeling weak all over.. i think aft wad happen yest we will neva gona talk again.. hiaz.. so didnt do anything today.. exp.. watching tv n going to my grandma huz n eat.. so aft dinner went hm.. hiaz
a sercet to u:i didnt wan all these to happen but i think tis is my way of protecting myslef.. i think i am juz too hurt by other.. dun mean to bring these pain to u.. i am sry.. if u ar reading tis.. i can onli say i am sry.. dun emo dun cry.. juz do wad u say.. let go.. n the onli thing i can say is sry.. the last time i gonna say tis.. I LOVE YOU.. sry for everthing tt i have done.. god bless.. happiness be wif u always..
life in a mess.. gonna do smt abt it.. hiaz
shall stop here today
maggie get up n get out of it.. hiaz..
Sunday, August 10
hi everyone.. i am back.. went to sentosa for these past three days.. camping at there sia.. haha.. damn fun n nice can.. if can i dun even wan to cum back lox.. haha.. so on fri aft i came i went to sentosa again the nxt moring.. haha.. shiok lox.. my sun burn was the 'best' part.. but didnt care much.. so went to tan on sat again.. haha..ah you kor kor went to book a rm at the restort.. opps n sry.. the restort is rasa.. made a we went to play vball again.. but wif diff grp of ppl.. we play adults.. n we even have a match between the adult n youngster.. haha..aft playing for hrs.. me n my cuz cant tanhan anymore.. the nxt thing we do is.. JUMP INTO THE play in the sea.. drank the sea water by accident.. who will wan to drink the water willingly?went up to bath.. n went for our dinner..we setter our dine at sakae.. haha.. so eat sushi.. one of my favo.. aft dine have a urge to drink coffee bean. so we went to buy n enjoy our coffee n cheesecake in the rm.. ard 9plus went down to the lobby hall n play acard.. haha.. fun lox.. play photo hunt..until lyk 12plus 1.. went up coz got ppl complian tt we r to nosiy..went up n play da dee.. plan not to slp but they suggest to go tan tml morning.. so slp at ard4.. wake up at8.. start waking them up... so ard9 we went down n tan ard 10plus my cuz knew tt his dad in hosp so we left early.. i didn go visit coz have to go for went hm wif one of my cuz..bath n went out again.. take train alone to expo.. alissa taking cab so didnt go tgt..haha..otw there i fall aslp.. cant tanhan.. then lte for svc.. coz left hus too late..but miss the 1st praise song pst kong is back.. he preach..svc end at 2plus..aft tt went for mini cgm..learn alot n was wah by cat msg.. aft tt went to find kkm n daniel.. going to studt went changi wif yuanhe alissa me kkm daniel ken aaron n aft we eat.. kkm daniel alissa study n i doing my art.. yuanhe was helpingthem.. than ken n jiacheng sit n talk.. haha.. aaron ken n jiacheng left at 630.. than we left at ard 7plus..go kallang.. daniel n kkm didnt wan to go.. so left the three go lox..went to kallang lesiure park.. walk walk.. han saw cinema.. damn happy n shock.. coz we plan to watch movie but didnt noe is dere a cinema..haha.. so brought ticket.. journey to the centre of earth.. long title.. haha.. b4 tt went to play bball at acarde.. haha.. aft tt went into the hall..nice movie.. note dun sit beside yuanhe when watching horror movie coz he will scard me..haha.. coz there is we kanna scared.. than he keep disturb.. argg..half way thru movie recevie sms frm him.. shock stun n a happy.. didnt noe y happy.. so watch movie n sms him.. overall a gd movie.. worth sry.. distance distance distance is wad we have.. love is wad we neva get back.. sadness regret communication is wadwe face..sry is nw the onli thing i can say.. sorry.. no mater wad may cum i will still wish u happiness..that all for the past two days..bye ppl..
Friday, August 8
today didnt go sch again.. suppose to go for celebretion for nation day.. haha.. but lazy to go..
wake up at ard 11plus.. than prepare le jui go sentosa.. rec vivo at ard 1plus.. than meet ting n kenneth.. went in tgt..
go there suntan.. than wait for my cuz to cum.. so rec at ard 3plus..
start playing vball..
than left e beach at ard 5plus.. need to go prepare for my sis enagament..
so went to rosa hotel.. the hotel tt is at siloso.. haha.. damn nice lox..
so went to bath n make up n all..
was abt7 when everything was done..
so went down n help to do recp.. haha..
start ard730..
start with the saying of vow.. than to the dinner..
was buffet so didnt eat much coz was runnig ard.. haha.. taking pic too.
so we sit talk .. n time pass so fast lox.. left there at 11plus 12.. so nw i am hm..
veri fun today.. was a day full of happiness..


that all for today!
P.S for more pic go to my friendster( to upload here le.
Wednesday, August 6
today wake at adr6.. than went to sch.. was a bad start.. coz i was late for sch.. no is at actually hall.. i didnt noe the bell was going to ring le lox.. if i noe i wont take e road lox.. i shd have juz go to my class.. hiaz.. so was late.. damn idiot loh.. anw.. went aft went to find.. we suppose to put our handpprint on a lantern thingy.. so went to put.. than back to calss.. erm.. evrything fine in class. hiaz.. but have to stay back aft my ec lox.. tt will b lyk 440.. was suppose to ppl at 5 lah.. so sry.. late.. change timing to6.. but still i am late.. coz tt person to wait for half an hour for.. apologise..yup.. so went to watch mummy.. was a nice show.. thro the aircon was cold almost to death but than still enjoy e movie.. haha..aft wait fro kkm to cum.. borrow vball frm.. coz fri going to sentosa.. haha.. sis engagement at there.. so b4 tt go have at beach first.. haha..went to have dinner tgt.. than go back le.. haha..wad will happen if i juz rest on u..?? wad will happen if i let u go.??end of today
Monday, August 4
wake up at 7plux today.. plan to be late for sch.. so do my things slowly.. than took a bus to nearby my sch.. walk up stupid hill.. than rec at ard 9plus.. waited for awhile than went into sch.. dindt have to stay back coz dindt go report..haha..than went for class.. 2hr of eng than vball.. simply love it man..than had math.. teacher was not here today.. was given work to do thro..than have ec.. aft tt went hm.. n enloy my slp.. when i wake up my eye was swelling.. hiaz.. sickening eye.. went to my granma hus for dine.. came back.. aft awhile stomach ache. hiaz..than nw coughing lyk hell.. dunno wad wrong wif not a day for me.. hiaz..shall stop here today..
Saturday, August 2
erm.. have not been blogging for the past few days..
was too tired to blog..
erm.. was out of earth.. back to space for the past few days..went for fop for past two days.. nw still thinking wanna to go ltr anot lox..fop was super duber fun lox.. a time where u can praise n worship god wif soooo many ppl of our church n other churches.. presence of god was there.. reli was fab..the words by mark connel.. dun have to say much.. coz he is a reli gd preacher.. every word he say reli inpact me.. was sitting there thinking n is lyk he can read my mind.. jux the word in season for me.. ltr well be the last nite for fop.. shd i go..? hiaz.. cant think has been great for the past few days.. haha.. went to space.. end of post